Wednesday, July 13, 2005



Watched a documentary last night about human hearing and balance.

· Music can stimulate the same pleasure centres of the brain as food or sex.
· We equate rhythm with the rhythm of our heart beat which is why fast music gets us excited and slow music can make us relaxed or depressed.
· We like really loud music cos when its really loud it shakes the bit in our ear that tells us we are moving, so we feel exhilarated. This is at about 90 decibels.
· Our balance centre is in our inner ear because hearing is actually an off-shoot of this sense. Hearing was the last sense to develop. After we climbed outta the water we needed to hear things via air for survival.
· The bit that I found most interesting: in our inner ear we have these three loopy things which allow us to experience three dimensions. What if we had four? Could we experience four dimensions? And what about beings that exist in four or five or more dimensions? Do they have four or five of these loopy things? This questions assumes that they have a similar biology to us, which I’ve never contemplated before. I’d always imaged beings of four or five dimensions to be more ethereal. But what about that parallel world where humans have four loopy bits and yet they are just as human as us with crap and shame and regret and joy and maybe even donuts?

Speaking of shame, I was reading PostSecret yesterday. Secrets are all about shame aren’t they? Something that you are too ashamed to mention or even to give a name to. I don’t think I have any secrets. That is I think that every “secret” I have, everything that I’m not gonna tell everyone, I have told at least one person. But then, I have been told that I am more honest than most. I don’t really think that’s true. Plus I am heavily into confessional art. But that’s a rant for another time.

Just had lunch with Jaxx. Went birthday shopping at dvice. She got me a clit clip. I was also checking out a very nice purple butterfly strap on vibe. Maybe is should splash out $70??

The other day I was telling her about the dumb boy and she said “Next time I see him I’ll grind his glasses into the ground with my stiletto and say ‘That’s for Ms Brown motherfucker. Yeah!’”

There were some very cute boys at the café so I took a seat next to them. Very very cute, although kinda young and studying law (yawn!). I told Jaxx about my dream last night when I spilt Barnaby’s drink. He was looking very hot in dream-land I must say, with his beard and silver glasses. Although he was drinking a screwdriver, which is kinda odd for a boy. Or a straight boy, at least.

Jeez, I just tried to link to the Black Seeds website and its been blocked. I work for a big corporation and they are always blocking sites, which is totally fair enough, it just makes me want my own computer more and more and more. I wonder if they’ll block this site? I’m surprised it hasn’t happened already.


Music du jour:
Martina Topley-Bird – Quixotic
Courtney Love – America’s Sweetheart

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