Thursday, July 14, 2005



Hungover. Or still drunk? Thought I was gonna have to pull the last entry but its not so bad. Although I did say the Ross word, so ok, here’s his site .

I make myself tally up my drinks the next morning, usually when I am sitting on the crapper, but a lot more drinking memories have emerged since then.

At tupelo: 2 amstel, 1 shot of wild turkey rye
At enjoy: 2 beers plus another 2 in my pockets which I drank at show
At show: the above plus 1 beer
At good luck: 1 beer, 1 shot of fernet
At stephen’s: 1 shot of teacher’s

Total: 8 beers & 3 shots, plus 2 of Jaxx’s menthol cigarettes.


I tried to think of a good excuse for a sickie this morning, but couldn’t come up with anything. Plus I have a couple of meetings today which I can’t really cancel. They are going to be soooo much more fun with a hangover.

Last night I went to tupelo and drank a beer slowly while I read the film festival guide. It was great. It’s the 3rd year I’ve sat at the bar at tupelo and read the film festival guide. There was a very cute boy sitting next to me. He started talking to me. His name’s Vinnie. I’ve met him before, cos I remembered the name. I told him about Vinnie’s tampon case. I think he was a little shocked. Seemed like a nice boy though. And very cute. Very very cute.

Man, its later now and my head just won’t stop hurting. Our landlord has turned into a demon from hell one week before I move out. Me and Mellypants are going to the free lawyer at 5.30. I’m going to tenancy services tomorrow. I want to yell at her but will wait til I am gone. Mellypants feels sad. Elisa’s so mad she wants to burn the house down. Landlord is a b-i-t-c-h.

Last night at tupelo while I was talking to the hot boy Jaxx turns up in dire need of a drink. She had a martini and got a bit plastered and cute boy was well on his way as well so I had to have a shot to keep them company in their drunkness. Tupelo was out of fernet, which is an absolute crime. They offered me lots of other stuff but I ended up with the rye whiskey I like.

Marnie was asking me lots of hard questions last night. “Why are you at design school?” and such. I told her why but I don’t think she really got it. I think she has an ideal that one must sacrifice all for art. I used to believe that when I was young, but now I’m all grown up and I know that one must look after oneself because no one else is going to do it. Plus surviving and being and doing what you gotta do is what its all about. Art is something that inspires me to look after myself, but should never take the place of actually looking after myself. Chop wood, carry water. Chop wood, carry water.

I was young and idealistic once and genuinely believed that life was about more than survival. But since then I’ve had to survive too many times for it to be about anything else.

This sounds hard and dreary but its not. It’s more about simplicity. First, one must survive, then one must enjoy. I’m not very articulate when I am hungover. I better leave it at that cos its not coming out right.

Went for a drink with Paul after show. He came on to me a couple of times I guess, but I didn’t react, so he left it. When we said goodbye he said “Have a nice orgasm.” Guys say weird shit sometimes. Like the night I met Arlo, when he left he said “Another time, but not tonight” like we’d been talking about sleeping together. Which we hadn’t. At all. We talked about sex, but not with each other. From what he said I think he is very, very, very bad in bed. Later dude, so not gonna sleep with you. Won’t sleep with Paul either, cos I don’t like his art.

Me and Jaxx had a conversation about whether we should have sex. We were working together at the time and decided it wasn’t a good idea cos we’d just have sex in the toilets all the time.

Sore head.

Stephen’s still reading my blog. He says he likes the writing. That’s nice.


Music du jour:
David Bowie – Let’s Dance

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